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Thompson Law

Community Involvement

Updated: Apr 15, 2023

A Leader in the Southeast Texas Community

As co-chair of Lamar University’s capital campaign, “Investing in the Future,” Greg led Lamar University to new heights. The campaign blew by their original goal of $75 million and raised a staggering $130 million. This campaign has transformed Lamar University to the next level. The campaign was instrumental in bringing back Division I Football to Lamar and brought first-rate facilities, sports venues and scholarships to the university. Lamar University awarded Greg the prestigious Mirabeau B. Lamar award for his service to Lamar University. He was also chosen as an integral member of the Search Committee and worked closely with Chancellor Brian McCall in selecting the new President of Lamar University, Dr. Kenneth Evans.

As President of the Beaumont Diocese School Board, Greg has led five catholic schools with over 1,500 students. He works closely with Bishop C

urtis Guillory, Superintendent Marcia Stevens and the Diocesan board to ensure the highest academic quality and safety in parochial education in the area. Greg works tirelessly to make the cost of catholic education affordable. Greg has also served five years on the National Catholic Education Association School Board head-quartered in the Washington, D.C. area. Greg has been asked to give the 2014 graduation speech at Monsignor Kelly Catholic High School.

Greg is also a member of the St. Elizabeth Governing Board. He and his wife, Jennifer, were chairpersons of the 2012 St. Elizabeth Gala where over $600,000.00 was raised for the St. Elizabeth Foundation supporting pediatric emergency rooms as well as improvements to the neonatal care units in the Christus hospital syste


Greg has also served on the University of Texas Development Board for four years during their $3 billion campaign of “What Starts Here Changes the World.” Additionally, Greg is a member of the Harvard Scholarship Committee for the Houston-area Harvard Club. As such, Greg interviews prospective Harvard students. Greg has also served as President of Three Rivers Council of the Boys Scouts of America and is a current member of the Southern Region Board.

He’s coached almost every sport imaginable in the community and is the unofficial Monsignor Kelly High School Soccer and Tennis team photographer.

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